Monday, July 29, 2019

Forlorn Hope! The Landsknecht RPG

Beside the definition of sex in the dictionary.

You are elite, German mercenaries in the 15th century! Fight or flirt deep behind enemy lines to mete out justice for gold and glory! 

  1. Pick a good, strong, German name for your character
  2. Decided your stats:
    • Two stats, Mercenary and Fabulous. Start with 3 in both.
    • Mercenary covers all physical activities (fighting, sneaking, acrobatics)
    • Fabulous covers all charisma based activities (sweet talking, negotiating)
    • You may subtract from one stat to add to the other.
    • When attempting an activity governed by being a  Mercenary or being Fabulous, you must roll at or under your stat to succeed.
    • No stat can be less than 1
  3. Decide your Background:
    • Criminal - Subtract 1 from all rolls dealing with being a brigand (sneaking, conning, robbing)
    •  Noble - Subtract 1 from all rolls dealing with royalty or other nobility
    • Soldier's Son - Gain 1 Wound Slot
    • Every Man - Once a day, subtract 1 from any 1 roll of your choice.
  4. Every character has 3 Wounds Slots. If hit, take a wound. If you are out of slots, you're dead.
  5. Describe your silly flaunting of sumptuary laws.
  6. Get rich or die trying! Landsknecht who survive their mission gain an extra Wound Slot and earn a point of riches! Reach ten points and retire to a life of luxury.

Steal a  . . .
1. Chest of Gold
2. Enemy Communique
3. Arsenal of Weapons
4. Rival's spouse
5. Plot of Land
6. More Mercenaries.

Kill a  . . .
1. Rival Baron
2. Rival Landsknecht Rot, and their veteran commander
3. Local Bandit
4. Corrupt Bishop
5. Terrible Beast
6. Town's Sheriff

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